Genetic back-up of endangered aquatic species is a valuable contribution to conservation programs and nature management. Cryogenetics offers tools to optimise the reproduction potential for species of concern.
One of our main partners is the Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet), formerly the Directorate for Nature Management. The Norwegian government has committed to a comprehensive biodiversity strategy with the aim of conserving the genetic diversity of wild salmonid populations in Norway. Since the start of this effort, broodfish have been collected from a number of rivers in Norway and were a natural (or man-made) disaster to happen and decimate the wild stocks, individuals are available for re-stocking.
The National salmonid Genebank NGB was established by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management (now Norwegian Environmental Agency) in 1986, with the objective to contribute to a nationwide preservation of the genetic diversity and characteristics of natural Atlantic salmon populations (Gausen, 1993).
Since then, Cryogenetics has optimized and standardized the protocols, thus improving sample traceability, handling efficiency and predictability of the fertilizations.
+47 905 03 207
Sales Manager
+47 468 49 487
Canada Cryogenetics Services Inc. specializes in Cryoconservation Programs for various species of finfish. We actively work with our clients to design a program to fit their specific requirements along with meeting their goals. We provide bio secure storage for Gene Banks in our state-of-the-art labs on both the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts. Various other services include reanimation of the sperm for matrix fertilizations along with technical support for hatchery projects.
Managing Director Canada
+1 (250) 203-0333
We are the leading provider of technology and services for the preservation of aquatic genes for research, conservation and the aquaculture industry.
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